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QRG(Qurated Retail Group)は小売業界の六つのリーディング・ブランド QVC®, HSN®, Ballard Designs®, Frontgate®, Garnet Hill® and Grandin Road® を擁するグループ企業です。私たちは、常に人と人とのつながりを生み出すお買い物体験 をお届けしたいと考えています。私たちは学び続ける多様なチームとして、優れた審美眼を持つ何百万名ものお客さまに、ショッピングとエンターテインメントの融合を通じて、商品、体験、対話をお届けし、QRGのコミュニティを皆さんと共に築きたいと思っています。刺激や変化の多い現代において、私たちは企業文化や従業員の体験をとても大切にしています。
入社後は、当社のいずれかのブランドに所属いただくか、複数のブランドと連携して業務を進めていただきます。Diversity, Equity & Inclusion(DE&I:多様性を公正に受け入れる)に取り組む24,000名以上ものグローバルなチーム(アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、日本、ポーランド、中国)の一員として、日々自分らしさを発揮しながら、楽しく元気に仕事に取り組んでいただけます。また、皆さんお一人おひとりが組織に変化をもたらす力を持っています。日々その瞬間を豊かにするために、未来を受け入れ、成長を促進し、皆さんの力を生かしてみませんか。QRGは皆さんと共にさらに一歩先へ(Our Path Forward)進んでいきたいと思っています。
QRG(Qurate Retail Group)のDiversity, Equity & Inclusion(DE&I:多様性を公正に受け入れる)への取り組みは私たちの行動指針 に深く根ざしており、私たちは成長を促進し、共感を持って行動し、未来を受け入れ、正しいことを行うことで、チームメンバーの誰もが活躍できる職場を目指しています。関連するあらゆる法やルールを遵守しながら、チームメンバーや候補者の皆さんにとって平等な形で採用活動を行うことをお約束します。平等な機会の提供を大切にする企業として、QRGはバリアフリーな採用プロセスを導入しています。ご応募いただくにあたって、個別の調整やサポートをご希望の方は、 までご連絡ください。QVC UKはDisability Confident Employer(障がい者雇用に積極的な事業主)として、Guaranteed Interview Scheme(面接保証制度) も導入しています。イギリスを拠点とする職責への応募で、この制度の利用をご希望の方は、応募用紙にその旨ご記載をお願いします。 私たちのチームの一員になりませんか。
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window
Qurate Retail Group is a family of six leading retail brands – QVC®, HSN®, Ballard Designs®, Frontgate®, Garnet Hill® and Grandin Road® – all dedicated to providing a more human way to shop. We’re an inspired and diverse team that comes together to combine shopping and entertainment to curate products, experiences, conversations and communities for millions of highly discerning shoppers. It’s a fun, fast-paced world, and what really sets us apart is our culture and talent experience.
When you’re part of Qurate Retail Group, you’ll be working for one or with many of our consumer brands and joining a global team (U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Poland & China), committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, where you can be authentic, bring fun and energy to your workday, and make an impact. Join us as we embrace the future, drive progress, and work together to enrich life’s everyday moments – it’s our path forward!
For Qurate Retail Group, our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion is deeply rooted in Our Principles. They call on us to Drive Progress, Act With Empathy, Be Brave, Embrace the Future, and Do What’s Right so that everyone can thrive. We are committed to ensuring that our workplace provides equal employment opportunities for all team members and candidates and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. As an equal opportunity employer, Qurate Retail Group is committed to a barrier-free employment process. If you need reasonable accommodations/support throughout, please contact us at for assistance.
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window
QRG(Qurated Retail Group)は小売業界の六つのリーディング・ブランド QVC®, HSN®, Ballard Designs®, Frontgate®, Garnet Hill® and Grandin Road® を擁するグループ企業です。私たちは、常に人と人とのつながりを生み出すお買い物体験 をお届けしたいと考えています。私たちは学び続ける多様なチームとして、優れた審美眼を持つ何百万名ものお客さまに、ショッピングとエンターテインメントの融合を通じて、商品、体験、対話をお届けし、QRGのコミュニティを皆さんと共に築きたいと思っています。刺激や変化の多い現代において、私たちは企業文化や従業員の体験をとても大切にしています。
入社後は、当社のいずれかのブランドに所属いただくか、複数のブランドと連携して業務を進めていただきます。Diversity, Equity & Inclusion(DE&I:多様性を公正に受け入れる)に取り組む24,000名以上ものグローバルなチーム(アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、日本、ポーランド、中国)の一員として、日々自分らしさを発揮しながら、楽しく元気に仕事に取り組んでいただけます。また、皆さんお一人おひとりが組織に変化をもたらす力を持っています。日々その瞬間を豊かにするために、未来を受け入れ、成長を促進し、皆さんの力を生かしてみませんか。QRGは皆さんと共にさらに一歩先へ(Our Path Forward)進んでいきたいと思っています。
QRG(Qurate Retail Group)のDiversity, Equity & Inclusion(DE&I:多様性を公正に受け入れる)への取り組みは私たちの行動指針 に深く根ざしており、私たちは成長を促進し、共感を持って行動し、未来を受け入れ、正しいことを行うことで、チームメンバーの誰もが活躍できる職場を目指しています。関連するあらゆる法やルールを遵守しながら、チームメンバーや候補者の皆さんにとって平等な形で採用活動を行うことをお約束します。平等な機会の提供を大切にする企業として、QRGはバリアフリーな採用プロセスを導入しています。ご応募いただくにあたって、個別の調整やサポートをご希望の方は、 までご連絡ください。QVC UKはDisability Confident Employer(障がい者雇用に積極的な事業主)として、Guaranteed Interview Scheme(面接保証制度) も導入しています。イギリスを拠点とする職責への応募で、この制度の利用をご希望の方は、応募用紙にその旨ご記載をお願いします。 私たちのチームの一員になりませんか。
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window
Innovation. Excitement. Opportunity. It’s all in a day’s work.
Qurate Retail Group is a family of six leading retail brands – QVC®, HSN®, Ballard Designs®, Frontgate®, Garnet Hill® and Grandin Road® – all dedicated to providing a more human way to shop. We’re an inspired and diverse team that comes together to combine shopping and entertainment to curate products, experiences, conversations and communities for millions of highly discerning shoppers. It’s a fun, fast-paced world, and what really sets us apart is our culture and talent experience.
When you’re part of Qurate Retail Group, you’ll be working for one or with many of our consumer brands and joining a global team (U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Poland & China), committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, where you can be authentic, bring fun and energy to your workday, and make an impact. Join us as we embrace the future, drive progress, and work together to enrich life’s everyday moments – it’s our path forward!
For Qurate Retail Group, our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion is deeply rooted in Our Principles. They call on us to Drive Progress, Act With Empathy, Be Brave, Embrace the Future, and Do What’s Right so that everyone can thrive. We are committed to ensuring that our workplace provides equal employment opportunities for all team members and candidates and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. As an equal opportunity employer, Qurate Retail Group is committed to a barrier-free employment process. If you need reasonable accommodations/support throughout, please contact us at for assistance.
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window
A Passion for Design
Qurate Retail Group is a family of six leading retail brands – QVC®, HSN®, Ballard Designs®, Frontgate®, Garnet Hill® and Grandin Road® – all dedicated to providing a more human way to shop. We’re an inspired and diverse team that comes together to combine shopping and entertainment to curate products, experiences, conversations and communities for millions of highly discerning shoppers. It’s a fun, fast-paced world, and what really sets us apart is our culture and talent experience.
When you’re part of Qurate Retail Group, you’ll be working for one or with many of our consumer brands and joining a global team (U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Poland & China), committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, where you can be authentic, bring fun and energy to your workday, and make an impact. Join us as we embrace the future, drive progress, and work together to enrich life’s everyday moments – it’s our path forward!
For Qurate Retail Group, our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion is deeply rooted in Our Principles. They call on us to Drive Progress, Act With Empathy, Be Brave, Embrace the Future, and Do What’s Right so that everyone can thrive. We are committed to ensuring that our workplace provides equal employment opportunities for all team members and candidates and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. As an equal opportunity employer, Qurate Retail Group is committed to a barrier-free employment process. If you need reasonable accommodations/support throughout, please contact us at for assistance.
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window
Inspired Design for Life Well Lived
Qurate Retail Group is a family of six leading retail brands – QVC®, HSN®, Ballard Designs®, Frontgate®, Garnet Hill® and Grandin Road® – all dedicated to providing a more human way to shop. We’re an inspired and diverse team that comes together to combine shopping and entertainment to curate products, experiences, conversations and communities for millions of highly discerning shoppers. It’s a fun, fast-paced world, and what really sets us apart is our culture and talent experience.
When you’re part of Qurate Retail Group, you’ll be working for one or with many of our consumer brands and joining a global team (U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Poland & China), committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, where you can be authentic, bring fun and energy to your workday, and make an impact. Join us as we embrace the future, drive progress, and work together to enrich life’s everyday moments – it’s our path forward!
For Qurate Retail Group, our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion is deeply rooted in Our Principles. They call on us to Drive Progress, Act With Empathy, Be Brave, Embrace the Future, and Do What’s Right so that everyone can thrive. We are committed to ensuring that our workplace provides equal employment opportunities for all team members and candidates and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. As an equal opportunity employer, Qurate Retail Group is committed to a barrier-free employment process. If you need reasonable accommodations/support throughout, please contact us at for assistance.
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window
Sourced From Nature. Quality In Every Stitch. Since 1976.
Qurate Retail Group is a family of six leading retail brands – QVC®, HSN®, Ballard Designs®, Frontgate®, Garnet Hill® and Grandin Road® – all dedicated to providing a more human way to shop. We’re an inspired and diverse team that comes together to combine shopping and entertainment to curate products, experiences, conversations and communities for millions of highly discerning shoppers. It’s a fun, fast-paced world, and what really sets us apart is our culture and talent experience.
When you’re part of Qurate Retail Group, you’ll be working for one or with many of our consumer brands and joining a global team (U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Poland & China), committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, where you can be authentic, bring fun and energy to your workday, and make an impact. Join us as we embrace the future, drive progress, and work together to enrich life’s everyday moments – it’s our path forward!
For Qurate Retail Group, our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion is deeply rooted in Our Principles. They call on us to Drive Progress, Act With Empathy, Be Brave, Embrace the Future, and Do What’s Right so that everyone can thrive. We are committed to ensuring that our workplace provides equal employment opportunities for all team members and candidates and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. As an equal opportunity employer, Qurate Retail Group is committed to a barrier-free employment process. If you need reasonable accommodations/support throughout, please contact us at for assistance.
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window
Love Your Home More
Qurate Retail Group is a family of seven leading retail brands – QVC®, HSN®, Ballard Designs®, Frontgate®, Garnet Hill® and Grandin Road® – all dedicated to providing a more human way to shop. We’re an inspired and diverse team that comes together to combine shopping and entertainment to curate products, experiences, conversations and communities for millions of highly discerning shoppers. It’s a fun, fast-paced world, and what really sets us apart is our culture and talent experience.
When you’re part of Qurate Retail Group, you’ll be working for one or with many of our consumer brands and joining a global team (U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Poland & China), committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, where you can be authentic, bring fun and energy to your workday, and make an impact. Join us as we embrace the future, drive progress, and work together to enrich life’s everyday moments – it’s our path forward!
For Qurate Retail Group, our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion is deeply rooted in Our Principles. They call on us to Drive Progress, Act With Empathy, Be Brave, Embrace the Future, and Do What’s Right so that everyone can thrive. We are committed to ensuring that our workplace provides equal employment opportunities for all team members and candidates and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. As an equal opportunity employer, Qurate Retail Group is committed to a barrier-free employment process. If you need reasonable accommodations/support throughout, please contact us at for assistance.
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window
Shopping That Surprises and Delights
Qurate Retail Group is a family of six leading retail brands – QVC®, HSN®, Ballard Designs®, Frontgate®, Garnet Hill® and Grandin Road® – all dedicated to providing a more human way to shop. We’re an inspired and diverse team that comes together to combine shopping and entertainment to curate products, experiences, conversations and communities for millions of highly discerning shoppers. It’s a fun, fast-paced world, and what really sets us apart is our culture and talent experience.
When you’re part of Qurate Retail Group, you’ll be working for one or with many of our consumer brands and joining a global team (U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Poland & China), committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, where you can be authentic, bring fun and energy to your workday, and make an impact. Join us as we embrace the future, drive progress, and work together to enrich life’s everyday moments – it’s our path forward!
For Qurate Retail Group, our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion is deeply rooted in Our Principles. They call on us to Drive Progress, Act With Empathy, Be Brave, Embrace the Future, and Do What’s Right so that everyone can thrive. We are committed to ensuring that our workplace provides equal employment opportunities for all team members and candidates and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. As an equal opportunity employer, Qurate Retail Group is committed to a barrier-free employment process. If you need reasonable accommodations/support throughout, please contact us at for assistance.
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window
Delivering Exceptional Customer Experiences
Qurate Retail Group is a family of seven leading retail brands – QVC®, HSN®, Zulily®, Ballard Designs®, Frontgate®, Garnet Hill® and Grandin Road® – all dedicated to providing a more human way to shop. We’re an inspired and diverse team that comes together to combine shopping and entertainment to curate products, experiences, conversations and communities for millions of highly discerning shoppers. It’s a fun, fast-paced world, and what really sets us apart is our culture and talent experience.
When you’re part of Qurate Retail Group, you’ll be working for one or with many of our consumer brands and joining a global team (U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Poland & China), committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, where you can be authentic, bring fun and energy to your workday, and make an impact. Join us as we embrace the future, drive progress, and work together to enrich life’s everyday moments – it’s our path forward!
For Qurate Retail Group, our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion is deeply rooted in Our Principles. They call on us to Drive Progress, Act With Empathy, Be Brave, Embrace the Future, and Do What’s Right so that everyone can thrive. We are committed to ensuring that our workplace provides equal employment opportunities for all team members and candidates and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. As an equal opportunity employer, Qurate Retail Group is committed to a barrier-free employment process. If you need reasonable accommodations/support throughout, please contact us at for assistance.
アクセシビリティ・アシスタンスOpens in a new window | プライバシーステートメントOpens in a new window | クッキーポリシーOpens in a new window | QRGはE-Verifyプログラムに参加しています。詳細はこちらから (PDF)Opens in a new window